Monday, September 5, 2011

I miss Colors.

Its been almost 2 whole years, since I've structured a white canvas in front of me...

It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. 
Albert Einstein 

Here, I am attaching few paintings and sketches I made back then and which I long to make now :

For this I used : acrylic base and crayons
Oil Painting
Scream Interpretation (Pop Art)
SketchBook Pro

SketchBook Pro 
Chaotic Silence (Pop Art)

It kills me to think that I am wasting my life on such surreal things like college and travelling and not Drawing and Painting. Cause, that's what kept me real. Cause, that's what kept me untangled. Anh, I cherish those days, when I looked forward to holding my brush and slapping it on the canvas. The anxiety of running to my art room and the curiosity of waiting for the final product! Now that I am in college and have practically no time : I miss ART.  I miss Painting. I miss Drawing. I miss holding that brush! I miss that look of an empty canvas and the smell of paints. I miss Colors.


  1. damn that is some pretty good art :) I never knew you paint! :D

  2. you din't :O I painted in school. arts and design.
